EAST AFRICAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, NAIROBI, KENYA: September 13, 2012: EALA has ended its two week Sitting in Nairobi passing four Resolutions and tabling two Reports on the last day of business. A key Resolution urging the EAC Partner States to refrain from amendingArticle 59 of the Treaty that provides the lawmakers with the avenue to propose Bills and Motions to the Assembly, sailed through.
The motion moved by Hon Patricia Hajabakiga, notes that such a move would fetter the independence of the Legislative Assembly and in effect, sends a negative signal to the Community.
At the 25th meeting of the Council of Ministers, held in Bujumbura, Burundi last month, the Council received and considered a submission to amend the said Article of the Treaty from the United Republic of Tanzania.
Article 59 makes provision for introduction of Private Members’ Bills in EALA which are tabled and debated without being initiated by the Executive. In the Commonwealth legislative procedures and practices, the Executive often initiates Bills, and then the Legislature debates and passes or amends the Bills in exercising its legislative function. The Introduction of Private Members’ Bills however, provides options for the Assembly to debate when the Executive delays in carrying out that constitutional mandate.
Various legislators today supported the motion on the floor of the House. The Members who rose up in support included Hon. Mike Sebalu, Abdullah Mwinyi, Hon. Joseph Kiangoi and Hon. Sarah Bonaya. Others were Hon Valerie Nyirahabineza, Hon. Zein Abubakar and Hon Judith Pareno.
Such an amendment, Members stated, was bent on limiting the powers of EALA to represent East Africans and is contrary to the letter and spirit of rule of law, representation and the corresponding uptake of the regional law by the Partner States.
However, the Minister for East African Community in the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Samuel Sitta, noted that in seeking for the amendment, the country had sought to provide for a more workable mechanism where the process of initiating Private Members Bills’ is more consultative. “The United Republic of Tanzania is not seeking to remove the power of EALA, but rather, wants the process of Bill making to be more consultative and to reduce chances if any, of no assent by the Heads of State”, the Minister remarked.
Other motions that were passed were: a Resolution to mark the International Democracy Day held annually on 15 September. The motion moved by Hon. Zein Abubakar and seconded by Hon Abdul Karim Harelimana seeks to promote democratic ethos at the Community, portraying the regional economic bloc as not only a promoter but a practitioner of democracy.
Members also moved in accordance with the provisions of the EALA Administration Bill 2012 to approve a Resolution for the election of Members of the EALA Commission. The Resolution moved by Hon Hafsa Mossi saw the House vote to allow the Members of the House Business Committee to automatically become Members of the EALA Commission. Therefore, all work done by the House Business Committee shall immediately be handled by the Commission.
The House further moved a Resolution approving the appointments of Members to Standing Committees to inadvertently correct errors while addressing imbalances made earlier on in the process. The appointments taken in accordance withRule 79 (5) of the Rules of Procedure for the Assembly shall see Hon. Abubakar Ogle Abdi serve on the Committee on General Purpose, and on the Regional Affairs and Conflict Resolution. On his part, Hon. Saoli Ole Nkanae will serve the Committees on Accounts and that on Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources (ATNR) while Hon. Sarah T Bonaya will serve on the Committees on Accounts and that of the Regional Affairs and Conflicts Resolution respectively. Their appointments take immediate effect.
Finally, two Reports were tabled prior to the adjournment. The Report of the Members to the RIO +20 United Nations’ Conference on Sustainable Development that was held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and the corresponding Report of the Workshop for EALA Women MPs and Chairpersons of Women Parliamentary Caucus held in Arusha were laid. The first report was put down by Hon. Nancy Abisai, while the latter was laid by Hon. Valerie Nyirahabineza.
The next plenary shall be held in November 2012.
- Ends-
For more information, contact Bobi Odiko, Senior Public Relations Officer
East African Legislative Assembly,
Tel: +255-27-2508240,
Cell: +255-787-870945, +254-733-718036.
Email: BOdiko@eachq.org,
Web: www.eala.org
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