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Test Your Astronomy Knowledge

Some questions that will help you understand your basic astronomy knowledge

(Use extra space if you need.  But make sure you write the question numbers clearly.)

Send your answers by email to ntjiwaji at yahoo dot com

1. Name constellations that you know:

2. Name stars that you know by name:
More ….

3. Have you seen a planet (or planets) in the night sky?
                                                            What is its name?
                                                            More …

4. Describe where the South direction is?

5. Does the sun rise in the east? (this is a trick question so think about it)

6. Have you used a telescope? (i.e. even if you have just seen through it, at stars or distant objects on earth).  Describe a little what you have done and what you saw.

7. Describe what you have observed about the Moon in the night sky.

8. Describe if you have you seen any difference in how the stars in the sky look
after a few hours?
after a few days?

9. How far is ……
the Moon is from Earth?
the Sun is from Earth?
How far are the stars are from Earth?

10. How fast does light travel?

11. How long does light take to reach the earth from
                                                                                    the Moon?
                                                                                    the Sun?
from the stars?

12. How big is ……
the Earth?
            the Sun?
            size of any planet?
                                    the solar system?
                                    a galaxy?

13. Why do some stars look white while others look red?

14. What is Hubble?

What is ISS?

15. Describe what you know about the Mbozi meteorite

16. Describe what you know about how the stars are formed?

17. Describe what you know about the International Year of Astronomy.


Send your answers by email to ntjiwaji at yahoo dot com
 For more information visit: https://sites.google.com/site/astronomyintanzania/home

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