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TCU) Is Pleased To Announce The Call for Application Of PhD Scholarships For The 2012

                                         TANZANIA COMMISSION FOR UNIVERSITIES

Tanzania - Germany Postgraduate Training Program – 2012
PhD studies in Germany
The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is pleased to announce the call for application of PhD Scholarships for the 2012 Cycle of Tanzania - Germany Postgraduate Training Program.

This training program which is funded jointly under the Tanzanian Government through the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD), aims in particular, to impact on capacity-building in public Universities in Tanzania through staff development. The program awards scholarships to candidates who qualify to undertake PhD studies in Germany.

Eligibility Criteria
The applicant must:
1. Be a citizen of the United Republic of Tanzania;
2. Be an academic member of staff in a Tanzanian public university;
3. Hold a good Masters degree having obtained an equivalent of a B+ grade or above from a recognized university institution;
4. Have obtained the Masters degree not more than within the past 6 years;
5. Be willing to undertake PhD studies in Germany.

Mode of Application:
Interested eligible applicants wishing to apply for the scholarships may download the application documents from the TCU website. Soft copies and hard-copies of duly filled-in application forms and other documents must be addressed to:

Executive Secretary,
Tanzania Commission for Universities,
Garden Road, Mikocheni,
Near TPDC Houses,
P O Box 6562, Dar es Salaam
Tel: 22 27772657; Fax: 22 2772891
E-mail: es @tcu.go.tz
The deadline for receiving applications is Wednesday 10th October, 2012 at 15:30 hours.

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