OUT Vc Prof.T.Mbwette and Prof Monera before signing the contract for development of Student Record management System for SUA
OUT Vc Prof.T.Mbwette and Prof Monera signing the contract for development of Student Record management System for SUA
Open University of Tanzania and SUA deligates after witnessing the signing of contract
(Picture Credit to OUT website)
Morogoro — SOKOINE University of Agriculture (SUA) and the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) have signed a four-month agreement aimed at revamping SUA's information system.
The agreement will see OUT installing student records information management system to SUA in a bid to simplify the university's software system. The project manager, Dr Lazaro Busagala, said the software system will capture all students' information, including admission process and will also handle examination results while at the same time reducing human errors.
"Student records information management system is used in many universities world-wide as it enables all important information concerning the university to be available online, students will get accommodation and fees information online," he said.
Dr Paul Ikwaba, Director of the Institute of Education Technologies from OUT said they were providing Information Communication Technology in different places in the country so as to support development in different sectors. He said OUT will also provide consultancy services on student records management so as to allow SUA to be able to operate the system even after the end of the contract.
The SUA Deputy Chancellor of Academics, Mr Peter Gilla, said the university was facing many challenges in managing students' records whereby most of the time they were recording the information manually. "Manual records consume a lot of time and have a lot of human errors, so we believe by the support from the Open University things will go smoothly, we need to shift to software system," Gillah said.
SUA Vice-Chancellor, Gerald Monella said the university was trying to shift to online services but faced many challenges. He said the contract will enable all departments to be in one system and the SUA ICT department will learn how to manage that system.
Mr Monella said the system will also empower long distance learning which will be conducted in cooperation with the two universities. Prof Tolly Mbwete, Vice-Chancellor of OUT, assured SUA that the system which will be installed at SUA will be of high quality.
Source:All Africa
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